
Create a creature that lasts for 120 seconds.  Chance to summon 1 of 3 creatures.
-Medium attack and speed.  Has melee cleave.

-High attack and speed.  Ranged unit.

-Very high attack, but slow speed.  Can tank moderately.

Increases enemy damage taken by 10% and increases ally damage by 10%.

Toggle between melee and ranged forms.

Ranged Passive: Increased damage, the further you are from the target, 200% more damage at max range.

Melee Passive: Attacking an enemy will steal their essence for 200%/500%/1,500% damage per second, for 4 seconds.

-Shifting from melee form to ranged, grants 30% chance to deal 2x critical damage.

-Shifting from ranged form to melee, increases damage by 25% for 25 seconds.

Ranged Ability: Conjure a negative energy ball, that deals 12,000% damage to all enemies it touches, and leaves them weak, reducing damage by 25% for 3 seconds.

Melee Ability: Dashes through the target, slashing all enemies in the path for 2,000% damage.  Enemies hit will be marked for harvest, draining them for 3,500% damage for 12 seconds.

Ranged Ability: Detonate some of your creature's essence, dealing 12,000% damage in an area around it.  Absorb the essence back, healing for 10% HP.

Melee Ability: Transform your creature into an essence hound.

Mark a unit for death, decreasing their armor by 5% and increasing damage taken by 10%.  Allies that attack the target will drain essence, healing for 0.66% HP.  Enders attacking your mark cause 1,500% damage to the target.  Lasts 20 seconds.

Damage  done to enemies under 25% HP, is increased by 50%.

Empower Ender's abilities further.

Harvest: Now deals 10,000% and 6,000% more damage.

End of the Cycle: Threshold increased by 5%.

Death Mark: Now heals 2x the amount, and deals 500% more damage.